Do not do extra work - use white lists where possible. Monitoring proxy performance The cagemgr. This release fixes a major bug with debugs macro that can have bad side effects like printing an error after configuration reload an possibly some other wrong behaviors. As whitelist can be big enough, to reduce maintenance and simplify administration you can create separate file contains whitelist regex's and configure squidclamav as follows: You will have only two bottlenecks - the interaction of your proxy server with c-icap and interaction of c-icap with antivirus service. If you have low resource on your server there's some predefined pattern optimized for speed. squidclamav

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The latest version straight from the vendor does work properly.

Sometimes it is advisable to set this parameter to the maximum value of the logical IO unit for your OS. Add startup script to your OS. Then add the line below to the c-icap. Do not set high clamd system limits - these increases latency and memory consumption and can lead to a system crash during peak hours.

This also can reduce memory lock contention on multi-core Squidcpamav boxes. Linux-dash — dashboard to monitor Linux servers. And to ending this part SquidGuard can still be call and used like in previous release, It means faster squicdlamav with dedicated redirect page defined in your squidGuard configuration file.

Then configure as shown below and make. Configuration for Squid version — 3.

Squid ClamAV — Web Filter for Your Network

With proper ClamAV configuration verification brings almost no noticeable delay and performed with acceptable latency. Why writing and other clamav c-icap module? In some squidclamag, adaptation actions chain can be mutually exclusive. Configure firewall — masquerade, prerouting. LookupTableDB blackuribl domain dnsbl: You may need only adjust the amount of the workers in the c-icap service according to your load.


Global configuration Log file and debug In version 6. I use 24 times per day.

Finally don't forget to put clwarn. With SquidClamav you have full control of what kind of Squidclmaav stream must be scanned by Clamav antivirus, this control operate at 3 different levels: Then check for line with squidclamav string into the log file defined with ServerLog. This may prevent numerous infections of company computers.


Squid can't do that by itself. It is important to set StreamMaxLength parameter in clamd. Better in this case to use separate servers.


The debug level can be set from 1 up to 3 for SquidClamav but can be up to 10 for c-icap. So, you can put it on separate node with fast network interconnect with your proxy this option squidclaav valid only when using squidclamav. Here we call the squidclamav service on localhost and port but it can be on any other host and port. Further use of the site means that you agree to their use.

SquidClamav v6 is still faster than any others and can handle several thousands of simultaneous users, this is what we need. You must provide the installation path of c-icap to the configure command as follow: That line redirects the user towards a page as shown at the beginning of this post.

ConfigExamples/ContentAdaptation/C-ICAP - Squid Web Proxy Wiki

How to install and configure own Firefox Sync Server — Weave — ver. To check what is going wrong you must edit c-icap. If it can not connect after 1 second it will try the next defined ip address.

Install and Configure Squid Proxy Server. StreamMaxLength 5M Build and configuring squidclamav Squidcllamav SquidClamav requires that you already have installed the c-icap as explained above.
